This section configures particle species settings and must be present in the input file. One of these sections must exist for every species we intend to use, either as a particle source for particles injected at the begining of the simulations obeying some spatial profile and temperature distribution, or as buffer to hold particles injected during the run from some external source (e.g., cathode, neutral and neutral_mov_ions). It accepts the following data:

  • name, character(*), default = “species #id”
  • push_type, character(*), default = “simd” when available, “standard” otherwise
  • rqm, real, default = 0.0
  • num_par_x(x_dim), integer, default = -1
  • num_par_max, integer, default = 0
  • tot_par_x(x_dim), integer, default = -1
  • n_sort, integer, default = 25
  • push_start_time, real, default = -1.0
  • add_tag, logical, default = .false.
  • free_stream, logical, default = .false.
  • q_real, real, default = 0.0
  • if_collide, logical, default = .false.
  • if_like_collide, logical, default = .false.
  • num_pistons, integer, default = 0
  • init_fields, logical, default = .false.
  • init_type, character(*), default = “standard”
  • iter_tol, real, default = 1.0e-3
  • rad_react, logical, default = .false.

name - specifies the name of this species to be used in diagnostic output, both for file/directory names and data labels. If not specified it will default to “species #id”, where #id is the number of this species (if this was the third species specified, then #id = 3). If this species is connected to a cathode particle source, then this parameter defaults to “cathode #id”, where #id is the number of the cathode; if this species is connected to a neutral particle source then this parameter defaults to “electrons #id”, where #id is the number of the neutral; and if this species is connected to a neutral_mov_ions particle source then this parameter defaults to either “electrons #id” or “ions #id” (depending on whether this is the electron or ion species), where #id is the number of the neutral_mov_ions particle source. No two species can have the same name (names that only differ in case are considered equal, and space characters are considered equal to underscore “_” characters).

push_type - specifies the algorithm used for pushing the particles. Currently available options are:

  • “simd” - Push the particles using a SIMD accelerated pusher that employs the standard Boris algorithm [1]. This is the default when available. Some features (e.g. free streaming) are not available when using this pusher.
  • “standard” - Push the particles using the standard Fortran pusher using the Boris algorithm [1].
  • “vay” - Push the particles using the Vay algorithm [2], which eliminates a spurious force on relativistic particles when using the Boris algorithm.
  • “cond_vay” - A conditional Vay pusher, where particles with $\gamma \leq 5$ are pushed using the Boris algorithm, and otherwise with the Vay algorithm (the $\gamma$ condition is somewhat arbitrary and currently hard-coded into dudt_cond_vay). The Boris algorithm is usually more accurate for low-energy particles.
  • “fullrot” - This algorithm calculates the magnetic field rotation of the Boris algorithm exactly (rather than second-order accurate). However, the electric field half-pushes remain only first-order accurate in the Boris algorithm [1,3].
  • “euler” - This algorithm implements a Boris-type pusher where the magnetic rotation is implemented using the Euler-Rodrigues formula, which gives exact results for arbitrarily high magnetic field values.
  • “cary” - Push the particles using the algorithm proposed by Higuera and Cary [4]. This method is volume-preserving (like Boris) and gives the correct $E \times B$ force (like Vay).
  • “exact” or “analytic” - Performs an exact integration of the particle momenta assuming constant fields for a given time step [5]. The rad_react parameter can be set to .true. to include a perturbation from radiation reaction with this pusher, and the iter_tol parameter is used to specify the root-finding convergence threshold.
  • “exact-rr” or “analytic-rr” - Performs an exact integration of the particle momenta based on the semi-classical form of radiation reaction in the Landau-Lifshitz equation, assuming constant fields for a given time step [5]. The n0 or omega_p0 parameter should be specified in the simulation portion of the input deck, and the q_real parameter should be set within this section. For the strong-field regime, the “exact-rr” pusher is recommended due its improved accuracy compared to the “exact” pusher with rad_react set to .true..
  • “radcool” - This algorithm takes into account classical radiation reaction using the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion, where particle motion is integrated with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method (we neglect the explicit temporal derivatives in the L-L equation) [6]. If specified, the n0 or omega_p0 parameter should be specified in the simulation portion of the input deck.

rqm - specifies the ‘reciprocal charge over mass ratio’ (i.e., m/q) in regard to electron mass and absolute charge for this species. Electrons would be represented by rqm = -1.0 and protons would be represented by choosing rqm = 1836.1527.

num_par_x - specifies the number of particles per cell to use in each direction. The total number of particles per cell will be the product of all the components of num_par_x.

num_par_max - specifies the particle buffer size for each node. When not set, the code will try to determine this value automatically. If for some reason the number of particles on each node exceeds the supplied value, the code will attempt to resize the buffer to accommodate the extra particles.

tot_par_max - specifies the total number of particles in each dimension of the simulation (across all grids). This quantity will be overridden if num_par_x is specified.

n_sort - specifies the number of iterations between each particle sort. This operation results in better cache use and significant performance enhancement for long runs. The default value of 25 represents a good balance between the extra time it takes to sort the particles and the performance gain. Setting this parameter to 0 turns off particle sorting for this species.

push_start_time - specifies the time in simulation units at which to start pushing the particles. The species will not be pushed unless the simulation time is greater than this parameter.

add_tag - specifies whether the code should add a unique tag to each particle in this species so it can be identified for diagnostic purposes (e.g., for particle tracking).

free_stream - setting this parameter to .true. will prevent the code from changing the species velocity, so particles will stream freely. Electrical current is still deposited.

q_real - specifies the charge of this species normalized to the elementary charge. Electrons would be represented by q_real = -1.0, and protons would be represented by q_real = 1.0. This parameter only needs to be specified if this species makes Coulomb collisions or is using the exact pusher with radiation reaction.

if_collide - setting this parameter to .true. will allow this species to make binary Coulomb collisions. If specified, the q_real parameter should be set within this section.

if_like_collide - setting this parameter to .true. will allow this species to make binary Coulomb collisions with itself. If specified, the q_real parameter should be set within this section.

num_pistons - specifies the number of pistons to be read in.

init_fields - setting this parameter to .true. will initialize the fields associated with the initial density/momentum particle distribution using an electrostatic field solver.

init_type - specifies the type of profile initialization for this species. Currently available options are:

  • “standard”/”profile” - Standard initialization from a specified density profile.
  • “constq” - Injects particles into an area defined by certain grid cell indices using a fixed charge per particle (as opposed to a fixed number of particles per cell).
  • “beamfocus” - Used to inject a particle beam with specified Gaussian width, focus, etc.
  • “file” - Used to inject particles from a specified RAW particle file.

iter_tol - specifies the convergence threshold of root-finding routines in the exact pusher.

rad_react - setting this parameter to .true. will include radiation reaction by correcting the particle momenta each time step. This parameter should only be set when “exact” particle pusher is used. If rad_react is specified, the n0 or omega_p0 parameter should be specified in the simulation portion of the input deck, and the q_real parameter should be set within this section.

Here’s an example of a species section for a 2D run. It will be named “electrons”, it uses electrons or a particle with the same q/m, 8 particles per cell, 4 in the x1 direction and 2 in the x2 direction, and the buffer size will be set automatically.

  name = "electrons",
  rqm = -1.0,
  num_par_x(1:2) = 4, 2,


[1] J. P. Boris, “Relativistic plasma simulation—Optimization of a hybrid code,” 4th Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, pp. 3–67, 1970.

[2] J.-L. Vay, “Simulation of beams or plasmas crossing at relativistic velocity,” Phys Plasmas, vol. 15, no. 5, p. 056701, 2008.

[3] V. K. Decyk, et al., “An Analytic Boris Pusher for Plasma Simulation,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13563, 2022.

[4] A. V. Higuera and J. R. Cary, “Structure-preserving second-order integration of relativistic charged particle trajectories in electromagnetic fields,” Phys Plasmas, vol. 24, no. 5, p. 052104, 2017.

[5] F. Li, et al., “Accurately simulating nine-dimensional phase space of relativistic particles in strong fields,” J Comput Phys, vol. 438, p. 110367, 2021.

[6] Vranic, M., et al., “Classical radiation reaction in particle-in-cell simulations,” Comput Phys Commun, vol. 204, pp. 141–151, 2016.