This section configures the particle species diagnostic settings and is optional. If not present, the code will not do any species diagnostics. It accepts the following data:

  • reports(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • rep_cell_avg(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • rep_udist(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • ndump_fac, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_fac_ene, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_fac_temp, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_fac_heatflux, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_fac_ave, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_fac_lineout, integer, default = 0
  • n_tavg , integer, default = 0
  • n_ave(x_dim), integer, default =0
  • prec, integer, default = 4
  • ndump_fac_raw, integer, default = 0
  • raw_gamma_limit, real, default = 0.0
  • raw_fraction, real, default = 1.0
  • raw_math_expr, character(*), default = “NO_FUNCTION_SUPPLIED!”
  • raw_if_pos_ref_box(x_dim), logical, default = .false.
  • ndump_fac_tracks, integer, default = 0
  • n_start_tracks, integer, default = -1
  • niter_tracks, integer, default = 1
  • file_tags, character(*), default = “”
  • ifdmp_tracks_efl(3), bool, default = .false.
  • ifdmp_tracks_bfl(3), bool, default = .false.
  • ifdmp_tracks_psi, bool, default = .false.
  • phasespaces(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • pha_ene_bin(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • pha_cell_avg(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • pha_time_avg(:), character(*), default = “-“
  • ndump_fac_pha, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_fac_pha_tavg, integer, default = 0
  • ps_xmin(x_dim), real, default = 0.0
  • ps_xmax(x_dim), real, default = 0.0
  • ps_nx(x_dim), integer, default = 64
  • ps_nx_3D(x_dim), integer, default = ps_nx
  • ps_pmin(3), real, default = 0.0
  • ps_pmax(3), real, default = 0.0
  • ps_np(3), integer, default = 64
  • ps_np_3D(3), integer, default = ps_np
  • if_ps_p_auto(3), bool, default = .false.
  • ps_lmin(3), real, default = 0.0
  • ps_lmax(3), real, default = 0.0
  • ps_nl(3), integer, default = 64
  • ps_nl_3D(3), integer, default = ps_np
  • if_ps_l_auto(3), bool, default = .false.
  • ps_gammamin, real, default = 1.0
  • ps_gammamax, real, default = 0.0
  • ps_ngamma, integer, default = 64
  • if_ps_gamma_auto, bool, default = .false.
  • ps_kemin, real, default = 0.000001
  • ps_kemax, real, default = 0.0
  • ps_nke, integer, default = 64
  • if_ps_ke_auto, bool, default = .false.
  • n_ene_bins, integer, default = 0
  • ene_bins(:), real, default = 0

reports - specifies the spatially resolved quantities to report, including spatial/time averaging, lineouts, etc., as described in the grid diagnostics section. The available quantities are:

  • “charge” - Species charge
  • “m” - Species mass ( charge*rqm )
  • “ene” - Local kinetic energy
  • “q1”, “q2”, “q3” - Heat flux component
  • “j1”, “j2”, “j3” - Electric current component for this species. Please note that this current is not exactly the same (but very close) as the current used in the OSIRIS algorithm. This current is calculated depositing q*v on a grid, and the OSIRIS current is calculated using a charge-conserving scheme. The differences between the two are, however, minimal.

rep_cell_avg - specifies the cell averaged quantities to report, including spatial/time averaging, lineouts, etc., as described in the grid diagnostics section. The available quantities are the same as for the reports item. After depositing the selected quantity, it will be divided by the absolute cell density. These diagnostics are controlled by the same parameters as the ones specified by the report item.

rep_udist - specifies grid resolved fluid and thermal momenta diagnostics, including spatial/time averaging, lineouts, etc., as described in the grid diagnostics section. The available quantities are:

  • “ufl1”, “ufl2”, “ufl3” - Average fluid momentum component.
  • “uth1”, “uth2”, “uth3” - Momentum distribution width along the specified direction.

ndump_fac - controls the frequency of full grid diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled.

ndump_fac_ene - specifies the frequency at which to write total particles species energy diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled.

ndump_fac_temp - specifies the frequency at which to write total particles species temperature diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled.

ndump_fac_heatflux - specifies the frequency at which to write total particles species heat flux diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled.

ndump_fac_ave - controls the frequency of spatial average / envelope grid diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled.

ndump_fac_lineout - controls the frequency of lineout / slice diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled.

n_tavg - specifies the number of time steps to be used when calculating the time averaged diagnostics. The frequency of these diagnostics is controlled by the ndump_fac parameter described above.

n_ave - number of gridpoints on each direction to average over for spatially averaged dumps. The frequency of these diagnostics is controlled by the ndump_fac_ave parameter described above.

prec - controls the numerical precision used for grid diagnostics. The default is to save data in single precision (prec = 4). If the user wants data to be saved in double precision, this parameter must be set to

  1. This option is ignored if OSIRIS is compiled in single precision.

Raw Diagnostics

ndump_fac_raw - specifies the frequency at which to write particle species raw diagnostics. This diagnostic dumps all particle information (position, momenta and charge) to file. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled. See also raw_gamma_limit and raw_fraction.

raw_gamma_limit ( >= 1.0 ) - minimal relativistic gamma for raw diagnostic. Only particle data from particles with gamma >= gamma_limit will be saved. Note that this parameter has nothing to do with the gamma distribution diagnostic.

raw_fraction ( [0.0, 1.0] ) - fraction of particles to dump for raw diagnostic. Particles are selected by randomly testing for random <= particle_fraction so that approximately only particle data from particle_fraction of the total particles are saved.

raw_math_expr - specifies a mathematical function for particle selection in the raw diagnostic. This expression can be a function of any of the following:

  • x{1|2|3} - represent the physical coordinates of the particle.
  • p{1|2|3} - represent the generalized momenta of the particle.
  • g - represents the particle Lorentz gamma factor.
  • t - represents the current simulation time.

See the documentation on the analytical function parser for details on the mathematical expression.

Note that raw_gamma_limit, raw_fraction and raw_math_expr may all be specified and actively used to determine which particles are selected for the raw diagnostic

raw_if_pos_ref_box - specify in each direction whether the particle position in the raw diagnostic will be saved as its physical position (.false.) or in reference to the box edge (.true.). This is most often set to true in the moving window direction to prevent roundoff errors.

Particle tracking

ndump_fac_tracks - specifies the frequency at which to write particle tracking information to file. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. All the values for particles whose tags are in the file_tags file will be saved to memory every niter_tracks time steps. This information will be flushed to disk at a frequency defined by this parameter. Note that for this diagnostic, you also need to set add_tags in the parent species section.

n_start_tracks - specifies the iteration after which tracking information will be collected.

niter_tracks - specifies the number of iterations between saving a track point. For example, setting this parameter to 10 would mean that track points would be added at every 10 time steps.

file_tags - specifies the name of the file that holds the list of tags of the particles we want to follow.

ifdmp_tracks_efl - specifies whether to save the electric field in the tracks file for each direction

ifdmp_tracks_bfl - specifies whether to save the magnetic field in the tracks file for each direction

ifdmp_tracks_psi - specifies whether to save the psi quantity in the tracks file for each direction


phasespaces - specifies the phasespace diangnostics to perform. This parameter is an array of strings, where each string specifies the parameters for each of the diagnostics to perform. The strings specify which quantities to use in the phasespace simply by using the quantity name, e.g., "x1" will do a 1D phasespace with the x1 position, "p1x1" will do a standard 2D momentum/position (p1/x1) phasespace and "p3x2x1" will do a 3D phasespace with p3, x2 and x1. Valid quantities for use as phasespace axis are as follows:

  • x{1|2|3} – particle position along directions 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Specifying x3 in a 2D run or specifying x3 or x2 in a 1D run results in a run-time error.
  • p{1|2|3} – particle linear momentum along directions 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
  • l{1|2|3} – particle angular momentum along directions 1, 2 and 3 respectively, calculated referenced to the center of the simulation box. If using a moving window, the angular momentum is calculated referencing the center of the current simulation window.
  • g, gl - lorentz factor of the particle and logarithm of the lorentz factor of the particle, respectively.

By default, the charge of the particle is used in the phasespace, but other quantities can be used by appending “_QUANT” to the phase-space string, where QUANT stands for the quantity being deposited. Quantities that can be deposited are the following:

  • charge (default) – deposits the charge of the particle, ex: “x1” or “x1_charge”.
  • m – deposits the mass of the particle, ex: “x2x1_m”.
  • ene – deposits the kinetic energy of the particle, ex: “x1_ene”.
  • |charge| - deposits the absolute value of the charge of the particle, ex: “x3x2x1_|charge|”.
  • q{1|2|3} – deposits the heat flux of the particle in the given direction, ex: “x2x1_q2” would deposit the heat flux along x2 in an x2x1 phasespace.
  • j{1|2|3} – deposits the electrical current of the particle in the given direction, ex: “x3x1_j1” would deposit the current along x1 in an x3x1 phasespace.

The maximum number of phasespaces that a user can specify is defined by the constant p_max_phasespaces, set at compile time in os-spec-diagnostics.f03. The default is 64.

pha_ene_bin - specifies the energy binned phasespace diagnostics to perform. This parameter has exactly the same structure as the phasespaces parameter. The difference is that each of these phasespaces is separated into a set of phasespaces that only take into account the particles with energies falling into the corresponding energy bin. The number of energy bins and the ranges for each bin are specified through the n_ene_bins and ene_bins parameters.

pha_cell_avg - specifies the cell averaged phasespace diagnostics to perform. This parameter has exactly the same structure as the phasespaces parameter. The difference is that each of these phasespaces stores the average value of the quantity being deposited for every particle inside each cell (rather than the total sum of this quantity). If no particles are present inside a given cell, the value in that cell is set to zero.

pha_time_avg - specifies the time averaged phasespace diagnostics to perform. This parameter has exactly the same structure as the phasespaces parameter. The difference is that each of these phasespaces stores the average value of the phasespace over a number of time steps specified by the n_tavg parameter. Please note that 1) it is not possible to make time averaged phasespaces if any of the axis used are being autoranged, as the ranges may change while data is being averaged, and 2) for each time averaged phasespace that the user requests, the code will need to hold its grid in memory, which means that using these phasespaces increases the memory requirements for OSIRIS significantly.

ndump_fac_pha - specifies the frequency at which to write phasespace particle species diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled. The individual phasespace dumps are turned on and off through the phasespaces, pha_ene_bin and pha_cell_avg parameters. See these parameters for details.

ndump_fac_pha_tavg - specifies the frequency at which to write time averaged phasespace particle species diagnostics. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each diagnostic dump. If set to 0, the writing of this diagnostic information is disabled. The individual phasespace dumps are turned on and off through the pha_time_avg parameter. See this parameter for details.

ps_xmin, ps_xmax - specify the lower and upper limit, for every direction, to be considered for phasespace diagnostics using the x1, x2 or x3 (in 3D) coordinate.

ps_nx - specifies the number of points, for every direction, to be considered for 1D or 2D phasespace diagnostics using the x1, x2 or x3 (in 3D) coordinate.

ps_nx_3D - specifies the number of points, for every direction, to be considered for 3D phasespace diagnostics using the x1, x2 or x3 (in 3D). If not specified, it defaults to the same value as ps_nx. This parameter allows for these 3D phasespaces to be done at lower resolutions while maintaining a high resolution for 1D and 2D phasespaces.

ps_pmin, ps_pmax - specify the lower and upper limit, for every direction, to be considered for 1D and 2D phasespace diagnostics using the p1, p2 or p3 quantities (linear momentum).

ps_np - specifies the number of points, for every direction, to be considered for 1D or 2D phasespace diagnostics using the p1, p2 or p3 quantities.

ps_np_3D - specifies the number of points, for every direction, to be considered for 3D phasespace diagnostics using the the p1, p2 or p3 quantities. If not specified defaults to the same value as ps_np. This parameter allows for these 3D phasespaces to be done at lower resolutions while maintaining a high resolution for 1D and 2D phasespaces.

if_ps_p_auto - specifies whether the code should try to autoscale the momenta phasespace limits set by ps_pmin and ps_pmax so that all particles in the species are present in the phasespace diagnostic. The code will autoscale by increasing the number of cells in the phasespace diagnostic. The limits set by ps_pmin and ps_pmax will always be present in the phasespace (the code will never shrink below these parameters). Note that you can select autoscaling in each momentum direction independently, i.e., each component of if_ps_p_auto corresponds to autoscaling the momentum in that direction.

ps_lmin, ps_lmax - specify the lower and upper limit, for every direction, to be considered for 1D and 2D phasespace diagnostics using the l1, l2 or l3 quantities (angular momentum).

ps_nl - specifies the number of points, for every direction, to be considered for 1D or 2D phasespace diagnostics using the l1, l2 or l3 quantities.

ps_nl_3D - specifies the number of points, for every direction, to be considered for 3D phasespace diagnostics using the the l1, l2 or l3 quantities. If not specified defaults to the same value as ps_nl. This parameter allows for these 3D phasespaces to be done at lower resolutions while maintaining a high resolution for 1D and 2D phasespaces.

if_ps_l_auto - specifies whether the code should try to autoscale the momenta phasespace limits set by ps_lmin and ps_lmax so that all particles in the species are present in the phasespace diagnostic. The code will autoscale by increasing the number of cells in the phasespace diagnostic. The limits set by ps_lmin and ps_lmax will always be present in the phasespace (the code will never shrink below these parameters). Note that you can select autoscaling in each momentum direction independently, i.e., each component of if_ps_l_auto corresponds to autoscaling the angular momentum in that direction.

ps_gammamin,ps_gammamax - specify the lower and upper limit to be considered for the gamma distribution diagnostics.

ps_ngamma - specifies the number of points to be considered for 1D, 2D or 3D phasespace diagnostics using gamma.

if_ps_gamma_auto - specifies whether the code should try to autoscale the gamma distribution limits set by ps_gammamin and ps_gammamax so that all particles in the species are present in this diagnostic. The code will autoscale by increasing the number of cells in the phasespace diagnostic. The limits set by ps_gammamin and ps_gammamax will always be present in the diagnostic (the code will never shrink below these parameters).

ps_kemin,ps_kemax - specify the lower and upper limit to be considered for the kinetic energy distribution diagnostics.

ps_nke - specifies the number of points to be considered for 1D, 2D or 3D phasespace diagnostics using kinetic energy.

if_ps_ke_auto - specifies whether the code should try to autoscale the kinetic energy distribution limits set by ps_kemin and ps_kemax so that all particles in the species are present in this diagnostic. The code will autoscale by increasing the number of cells in the phasespace diagnostic. The limits set by ps_kemin and ps_kemax will always be present in the diagnostic (the code will never shrink below these parameters).

n_ene_bins - specifies the number of values that the ene_bins parameter holds. The actual number of energy bins used for the energy binned phasespace diagnostics defined by the pha_ene_bin parameter are actually n_ene_bins + 1. See ene_bins and pha_ene_bins for details.

ene_bins - specifies the energies defining the energy bins to be used by the energy binned phasespace diagnostics defined by the pha_ene_bin parameter. The energy for each particle is calculated as gamma - 1 (particle kinetic energy normalized to rest mass), where gamma is the relativistic Lorentz factor. The first bin will hold the particles with energies <= ene_bins(1), the last bin will hold particles with energies > ene_bins(n_ene_bins) and the i-th bin will hold particles with ene_bin(i-1) < energy <= ene_bin(i). The results for all bins are saved in the same file.

Here’s an example of a diag_species section:

  ndump_fac = 1,
  reports = "charge",

  ndump_fac_pha = 1,
  ndump_fac_raw = 1,
  ps_xmin(1:2) =  0.0, 0.0,
  ps_xmax(1:2) = 15.0, 3.5,
  ps_nx(1:2)   = 4096, 512,

  ps_pmin(1:3) = -2.0, -2.0, -2.0,
  ps_pmax(1:3) = 40.0,  2.0,  2.0,
  ps_np(1:3)   = 1024,  256,  256,
  if_ps_p_auto(1:3) = .true., .true., .true.,

  ps_gammamin = 1.0,
  ps_gammamax = 50.0,
  ps_ngamma = 8192,
  if_ps_gamma_auto = .true.,

  phasespaces = "x1", "gl_m", "p1x1", "x2x1_ene", "p2x1x2",

  raw_gamma_limit = 10.0,
  raw_fraction = 1.0,