This section configures the parallel nodes and periodic boundary settings and must be present in the input file. It accepts the following data:

  • node_number(x_dim), integer, default = 1
  • n_threads, integer, default = 1
  • if_periodic(x_dim), boolean, default = .false.
  • topology, character(*), default = “mpi”

node_number specifies the number of nodes to use in each direction for the simulation. The total number of nodes will be the product of the number of nodes for each direction. A single node run will be specified by setting all the items to 1. It is not required that the number of grid points on a given direction is evenly dividable by the number of nodes specified for that direction, but this will guaranty better load balancing. Note that only longitudinal partitions are allowed when algorithm = ‘pgc’ in the general simulation parameters section.

n_threads specifies the number of threads per node to use. This option uses a shared memory algorithm inside each MPI node, that can significantly improve load imbalance issues. To use this option the code must be compiled with OpenMP support. Setting this value to 1 will use the standard distributed memory algorithm only.

if_periodic specifies if the boundary conditions for each direction will be periodic boundary conditions. If set, they will override any boundary conditions you specify for Electro-Magnetic fields or particle species.

topology specifies how osiris should map simulation nodes to parallel nodes. Currently available options are:

  • “mpi” - Use MPI functions (namely MPI_CART_CREATE) to generate the topology. MPI can use knowledge about network details to choose the best topology. This is the default.
  • “old” - Use the old OSIRIS algorithm to generate the topology. This should only be used for testing purposes and comparing to old versions of the code.
  • “bgq” - (available on BlueGene/Q systems only). This generates a topology based on the 5D torus topology of the BlueGene/Q system. This should provide the best performance on these systems.

Here’s an example of a node_conf section for a 2D run, using 8 nodes in the $x_1$ direction and 4 nodes in the $x_2$ direction, and launching 2 threads per node. The run will use periodic boundaries in the $x_2$ direction.

  node_number(1:2) = 8, 4,
  n_threads = 2,
  if_periodic(1:2) = .false., .true.,