This section configures the numerical grid and coordinate settings and must be present in the input file. It accepts the following data:

  • nx_p(x_dim), integer, default = 0
  • coordinates, character(*), default = “cartesian”
  • io_nmerge(x_dim), integer, default = 1
  • io_merge_type, character(*), defualt = “point2point”
  • load_balance(x_dim), logical, default = .false.
  • lb_type, character(*), default = “none”
  • lb_gather, character(*), default = “sum”
  • n_dynamic, integer, default = -1
  • start_load_balance, integer, default = -1
  • balance_on_start, logical, default = .false.
  • max_imbalance, float, default = 0.0
  • cell_weight, float, default = 0.0
  • ndump_global_load, integer, default = 0
  • spatial_loaddensity, character(*), default = “NO FUNCTION DEFINED”
  • ndump_node_load, integer, default = 0
  • ndump_grid_load, integer, default = 0

nx_p specifies the number of grid cells to use in each direction for the simulation.

coordinates specifies the coordinate system to use and must be one of the following:

  • “cartesian” - use cartesian coordinates.
  • “cylindrical” - use cylindrical coordinates with B1 defined on the symmetry axis.

ionmerge Number of nodes to merge for data output in each direction. Must divide number of nodes in parallel partition exactly. Defaults to 1 (no merging).

io_merge_type Options controlling two-level I/O (merging data on groups of nodes before doing parallel I/O). Currently availble options are:

  • “none” - No merging.
  • “point2point” - Use MPI point to point messages
  • “gather” - Use MPI gather operations

load_balance - specifies in which directions the code will attempt to improve load balance by shifting node boundaries. When choosing any load balance type (other than none) at least 1 direction must be set to .true.

lb_type specifies the type of parallel load balancing to use for distributing the computational load among the multiple nodes specified. This parameter may take one of the following values:

  • “none” - Divide the grid cells as evenly as possible among all nodes.
  • “static” - Divide the computational load as evenly as possible along the nodes in the directions specified by load_balance in the beginning of the simulation.
  • “dynamic” - Divide the computational load as evenly as possible along the nodes in the directions specified by load_balance in the beginning of the simulation, and then dynamically adjust the load distribution during the simulation at a frequency defined by the n_dynamic parameter.

lb_gather specifies how the load along the load balance direction is gathered from all nodes. Possible values are:

  • “sum” - Sum data from nodes in transverse directions. This is the default.
  • “max” - Use the maximum value from nodes in transverse direction. In situations where the load varies significantly transversely this may yield a better partition.
  • “expression” - Balance load defined by an expression specified using the spatial_loaddensity parameter below. This happens only once at the beginning of the simulation.

n_dynamic When using the dynamic load balance type specifies at which frequency the code should try to adjust node boundaries in order to improve load balance.

start_load_balance When using the dynamic load balance, this parameter specifies the iteration, n (where n>=0), at which dynamic load balance can start. Note, load balancing only happens at exactly this iteration when balance_on_start=.true.,, otherwise it only happens when modulo(n, n_dynamic)==0. The default is -1, meaning that dynamic load balancing will begin upon initialization of the simulation.

balance_on_start specifies whether to do a load balance when the iteration, n, is equal to the value specified by start_load_balance (not whether to do a load balance when n=0).

max_imbalance specifies a threshold below which the code will not reshape node boundaries when doing dynamic load balancing. For example, if the user sets this parameter to 0.1, the code will not change node boundaries if the difference between maximum load and minimum load on all the nodes is below 10%. This parameter must be in the range [0..1[.

cell_weight specifies the relative weight of grid cells in relation to particles to be considered for load calculations. Setting this parameter to 0. means that cells are not considered in load calculations and only particles are considered. Setting it to 1.5 means that each cell will be counted as 1.5 particles.

ndump_global_load specifies the frequency at which to save global load information: total, max, min and average particles per node. Output is saved on a text file in MS/LOAD/GLOBAL/global_particle_load.

ndump_node_load specifies the frequency at which to save node load information i.e. the number of particles per node for all nodes. Output is saved in hdf5 files using a grid with the same dimensions as the parallel partition. Files are stored in MS/LOAD/NODE.

ndump_grid_load specifies the frequency at which to save the number of particles per cell for all simulation cells. Output is saved in hdf5 files using a grid with the same dimensions as simulation grid. Files are stored in MS/LOAD/CELL.

spatial_loaddensity If using lb_gather = "expression", above, then this parameter specifies an analytical expression for the load density, using the analytical function parser. The function is evaluated at the center of the cell.

Here is an example of a grid section for a 2D run, using a 4096 × 512 cell grid and cartesian coordinates.

  nx_p(1:2) = 4096, 512,
  coordinates = "cartesian",

Here is another example of a run using dynamic load balancing along x1:

  nx_p(1:2) =  1024, 128,

  ! Load balance parameters
  load_balance(1:2) = .true., .false.,
  lb_type = "dynamic",
  n_dynamic = 32,
  cell_weight = 1.2, 