This section configures the restart settings and is optional. If not present the code will use the default values. It accepts the following data:

  • ndump_fac, integer, default = 0
  • debug_iter, integer, default = -1
  • if_restart, bool, default = .false.
  • if_remold, bool, default = .false.
  • ndump_time, real, default = 0.0

ndump_fac - specifies the frequency at which to write restart information. This value is multiplied by the ndump value specified in the time_step section to determine the number of iterations between each restart dump. If set to 0 the writing of restart information is disabled.

debug_iter, sets a specific iteration to write restart information. This is the exact value of the iteration, and is meant to be used for debugging purposes.

if_restart - specifies whether the code should attempt to read information from restart files previously saved in order to restart the run exactly as it was at the time the restart information was saved.

if_remold - specifies whether the code should remove older restart files after it has successfuly saved restart information on all the nodes. This is extremely usefull in saving disk space.

ndump_time - Instead of specifying the frequency at which to write restart information by using with ndump_fac as listed above, this parameter allows one to specify the number of seconds between each restart dump. Note, this requires setting ndump_fac=-1.

Here’s an example of a restart section that will write restart information every 5 * ndump iterations, will not attempt to use restart information from previously saved restart information, and will delete old restart files as it writes new ones.

  ndump_fac = 5,