Reference Guide
The OSIRIS input file accepts the following sections, listed here in alphabetical order. Please refer to the “Input file format” page for details on the overall structure of the OSIRIS input files.
Section reference
- antenna - EMF antenna settings
- antenna_array - Number of antenna sources to use
- cathode - Particle wall source
- collisions - Particle binary collisions
- current - Electric current density parameters
- diag_current - Electric current density diagnostics
- diag_emf - EM Field diagnostics
- diag_neutral - Neutrals (ionizable background) diagnostics
- diag_species - Particle species diagnostics
- el_mag_fld - EM Field settings
- emf_bound - EF Field boundary conditions
- grid - Simulation grid parameters
- neutral - Neutrals (ionizable background) parameters
- neutral_mov_ions - Neutrals (ionizable background) with moving ions
- node_conf - Parallel configuration and periodic boundary settings
- particles - Number of species, cathodes, neutrals and neutral_mov_ions in the simulation and global particle diagnostics.
- profile - Particle species density profile
- restart - Checkpoint settings
- simulation - Global simulation parameters
- smooth - EMF and Current density filtering
- space - Spatial dimensions and moving window
- spe_bound - Particle species boundares
- species - PArticle species parameters
- time - Simulation time limits
- time_step - Simulation time step and dump frequency
- udist - Particle species initial momentum distribution
- zpulse - Laser pulse parameters